

  1. „Esche raz ob iskusstve finala“ [On Finale of Gogol’s Notes of a Madman], forthcoming in Russko-frantsuzskii razgovornik ou Les Causeries du 7 Septembre. Collection of Papers in Honour of Professor Vera Milchina (Moscow: Novoe Literaturnoe Obozrenie, 2014).

  2. “This Is No Longer Dance:” The Politics of Choreography in The Steel Step (1927), Critical Inquiry 40:3 (Spring 2014), 134-149.

  3. «Siuzhet “Kino-Glaza”» [On the Plot of Dziga Vertov’s Kino-Eye (1924)], Kinovedcheskie Zapiski 104-105 (2013), 95-118. 

  4. “Konets fil’ma” [The End: On Various Versions of Finale for Vasiliev Bros. The Sleeping Beauty (1930)], Istoriia literatury. Poetika. Kino: Sbornik v chest’ M.O.Chudakovoi  [History of Literature. Poetics. Cinema: Collection of Papers in Honour of Professor Marietta Chudakova], ed. Ekaterina Liamina, Oleg Lekmanov, and Alexandr Ospovat (Moscow: Novoe Izdatel’stvo, 2012), 545-568 [in collaboration with Yuri Tsivian]. 

  5. “Eisenstein’s Choreography in Ivan the Terrible,Studies in Russian and Soviet Cinema 5:1 (2011), 55-71. Italian translation: “La coreografia di Ivan il Terribile”, Bianco e nero, 1 (2011), 58-69.

  6. “Ukazatel’ zhestov: Prodolzhenie” [Index of Gestures: Continued], Ot slov k telu. [From Words to Body], ed. Alexandr Lavrov, Alexandr Ospovat, and Roman Timenchik (Moscow: Novoe Literaturnoe Obozrenie, 2010), 343-61 [research paper about three 20th-century Russian poems on gestures and body movements: Vladislav Khodasevich's Giselle, Osip Mandelshtam's Grand Piano, and Joseph Brodsky's To Mikhail Baryshnikov ("The Classical Ballet is a Castle of the Beauty…")].

  7. “Illustratsiia v roli kommentariia: “Pikovaia Dama” Alexandra Benois” [Illustration as Commentary: Alexandre Benois' The Queen of Spades], Con amore: Festschrift for Prof. Liubov’ Kiseleva, eds. Roman Leibov, Andrey Nemzer, Alexandr Ospovat, et al. (Moscow: OGI, 2010), 619-38 [in collaboration with Yuri Tsivian].

  8. “Stikhotvorenie Pushkina “Rifma, zvuchnaia podruga…”: genealogiia i semantika liricheskogo narrativa” [Pushkin’s Poem “Rhyme, My Sonorous Friend...”: Genealogy and Semantics of a Lyrical Narrative], Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, 95 (2009), 81-126. Also available on the web:

  9. “Pushkinskii nabrosok vozrazheniia Kuechelbeckeru” [Pushkin’s Draft Critics of 1824 Kuechelbecker’s Essays in Mnemozina], Russian Literature and the West. A Tribute for David M. Bethea. Stanford Slavic Studies 35, pt. I. (2008), 66-116 (in collaboration with Tatiana Krasnoborod’ko). Also published on the Web:

  10. “Eshche raz o finale Dvenadtsati: opyt vizual’nogo kommentariia” [The Visual Commentary to the Finale of Alexander Blok’s  The Twelve], The Real Life of Pierre Delalande. Studies in Russian and Comparative Literature to Honor of Alexander Dolinin. Stanford Slavic Studies 33, pt I (2007), 186-219.

  11. “(Ne)izvestnaia avtoepigramma Alexandra Pushkina: k interpretatsii odnoi strofy iz “Evgeniia Onegina” [An [Un]known Auto-Epigram of Alexander Pushkin: Towards  Interpretation of one Stanza from “Eugene Onegin”], Kirillitsa, ili Nebo v almazach, ed. Roman Leibov (Tartu University):

  12. “Oda kak madrigal: k opisaniiu odnogo stikhotvoreniia Baratynskogo” [The Ode as a Madrigal: Towards Interpretation of “Eshche kak Patriarch ne dreven ia…” by Evgenii Baratynsky], Pushkinskie chteniia v Tartu 4 (Tartu, 2007), 331-344. Also available on the web:

  13. “Kuzmin i smert’ tantsovshchitsy” [Mikhail Kuzmin and the Death of the Dancer], Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie 78 (2006), 241-270. Also available on the web:

  14. “Neizvestnyi stikh Baratynskogo” [The Unknown Verse of Evgenii Baratynsky], Desyatye-Odinnadcatye-Dvenadcatye Tynianovskie chteniia (Мoscow, 2006), 207-213.

  15. “Literaturnaia positsiia Baratynskogo i esteticheskie spory konca 1820-h gg”. [Evgenii Baratynsky and the Discussions on Literary Aesthetics of the late 1820s], Pushkinskie chteniia v Tartu 3 (Tartu, 2004), 149-180. Also available on the web:

  16. “Poslanie Bogdanovichu i literaturnaia positsiia rannego Baratynskogo” [The Epistle To Bogdanovich and the Literary Aesthetics of Evgenii Baratynsky in His Early Years], Lotmanovsky sbornik 3, (Мoscow: OGI, 2004), 933-947.

Book reviews:

Swans of the Kremlin, by Christine Ezrahi, Slavic Review 3:1, Spring 2014, 223-224.