
Journal Article
Khitrova, Daria. ““This Is No Longer Dance:” The Politics of Choreography in The Steel Step (1927)”. Critical Inquiry 40.3 (2014): , 40, 3, 134-149. Print.
Khitrova, Daria. “«Siuzhet “Kino-Glaza”» [On the Plot of Dziga Vertov’s Kino-Eye (1924)]”. Kinovedcheskie Zapiski (2013): , 95-118. Print.
Khitrova, Daria. “Eisenstein’s Choreography in Ivan the Terrible”. Studies in Russian and Soviet Cinema 51 (2011): , 5, 1, 55-71. Print.
Khitrova, Daria. “La coreografia di Ivan il Terribile, Italian translation of Eisenstein’s Choreography in Ivan the Terrible”. Bianco e nero 1 (2011): , 1, 58-69. Print.
Book Chapter
Khitrova, Daria. “Esche raz ob iskusstve finala [On Finale of Gogol's Notes of a Madman]”. Russko-frantsuzskii razgovornik ou Les Causeries du 7 Septembre. Collection of Papers in Honour of Professor Vera Milchina. Moscow: Novoe Literaturnoe Obozrenie, 2014. Print.
Khitrova, Daria, and Yuri Tsivian. ““Konets fil’ma” [The End: On Various Versions of Finale for Vasiliev Bros. The Sleeping Beauty (1930)]”. Istoriia literatury. Poetika. Kino: Sbornik v chest’ M.O.Chudakovoi [History of Literature. Poetics. Cinema: Collection of Papers in Honour of Professor Marietta Chudakova]. Ed. Ekaterina Liamina, Oleg Lekmanov, & Alexandr Ospovat. Moscow: Novoe Izdatel’stvo, 2012. Print.
Ukazatel’ zhestov: Prodolzhenie” [Index of Gestures: Continued]”. Ot slov k telu. [From Words to Body]. 2010. Print.